English Monday 25th January

Here is the overview for this week – I will still post the work for each day and you will still have to check the website for the resources and PowerPoints, but it may be helpful to see the whole week plan.

English 25.1.21

Over the next few weeks we will be thinking about story settings and writing our own stories with familiar settings.

Monday 25th January 

Today I’d like you to look around your house for lots of different story books.  These could be picture books or any of your reading books.  

I’d like you to look at the cover and the blurb, hopefully you will remember the story, and discuss the different settings where the story takes place.  

You may be able to group them into similar places.  Do they take place in a school?  Woods? Farm? And so on.  Are there common places for stories to be set?  Are there any fantasy settings? 

How do you know where the story is set? 

Where are your favourite stories set?  Do you like a particular type of story?

You don’t need to really write anything today just think about and discuss your favourite story settings.  You may want to read parts of these stories again and ‘magpie’ any good adjectives or descriptive phrases that you like.  This just means that we pinch and good words we’d like to use in our own writing.  You may want to jot these down somewhere.