Monday 25th January

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of learning ahead. Here’s what we are doing today.


Morning activity

Our morning activity is on the PowerPoint below.

CVC Words


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below. We are learning a new tricky word today!

Monday 25th



This week we are going to do lots of work with the numbers up to 10

We have a song that we sing to help us draw the numbers in school, but unfortunately it’s behind a password protected website so I can’t link it. But here is a numberblocks song that you could watch to help you remember how to draw each number instead.

Cbeebies Number Song

Today I would like you to make yourself a set of flashcards with the numbers 0-10. You can make these as exciting as you like by colouring in and decorating each number. You could even draw the right amount of pictures on each flashcard to help you, e.g. 3 bears under the number 3, or 6 smiley faces under the number 6. Have fun, and keep these safe once they are finished as you will need them for your activities later in the week.


Afternoon activity

It is our PE day in school today, so have a go at the cosmic kids yoga below. This is quite an important one at the moment – can you work out why? If the weather is looking nice, then maybe try and get outside for some fresh air and a walk. There might even still be some snow for you to go out and enjoy!



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x