Home learning Monday 25th January

Hi everyone. Are you enjoying today’s snow? It’s very cold out there but very pretty. Here are our activities for Monday.

Wake Up, Shake UpDo the Dino


Starter: Count in 2s using the 100 square. ‘Paint’ the squares as you go. Paint the Squares

Look at the numbers you have painted. Can you see a pattern? What would happen if you carried on counting in 2s? All of the numbers that you have said/painted are multiples of 2. This means they are all the numbers that appear in the two times table. They are also all even numbers.

Use the given numbers to complete the counting in 2s sequences.

If you are in yellow group for Maths, try this sheet: Bug Trail 2s

Green group for maths, try this sheet: count in 2s to 30

Blues: mastery activities – 2s. There are a lot of activities to do here so you may want to pick and choose. At the end of the document, there are useful prompts for adults.

If printing is a problem, then use ‘missing number’ (then ‘new’) option on ‘Paint the Squares’ and make certain multiples of 2 disappear. Can you work out what is missing?


Set yourself up with new spellings. Here are the words. It is totally up to you what you choose, but make sure you select words which are achievable for you. Here is a blank grid to use: Look Say Cover grid

‘Yellow’ spellings: jam, jab, jug, job

‘Green’ spellings: shout, loud, pouch, south, they

‘Pink’ spellings: shout, cloud, sound, proud, one, were

‘Purple’ spellings: shouting, louder, prouder, astound, amount, trousers

English lesson

Starter: Have fun seeing how many times you can write ‘some’ and ‘come’ in 1 minute! If you are confident with these words, choose words from recent spelling lists that you have found tricky to remember.

Recap what is meant by a setting. Where did you choose for your setting last week? Can you remember who your main character was? Look back at the picture you drew last week and the words you used to describe them.

Today, we are going to think about a story in the style of Julia Donaldson involving your main character and the setting. Can you think of a problem for your main character? Who could they meet? How is the problem fixed?

Use the beginning, middle and end chart to plan out your story, either drawing or jotting down ideas: story plan beginning, middle and end

It is up to you if you want to write out your story, but this is very difficult to do! It is probably more beneficial to do lots of talking through your story, making sure you have ideas for the beginning, the middle and the end. Writing a story is hard enough; writing it in a rhyming style like Julia Donaldson would be very challenging indeed! I know that some of you at home had a go, so well done. It is still beneficial to do the beginning, middle and end grid though, to see how your ideas flow together into a coherent story.


Today, we will be looking at the inside of a church and learning more about the features that we see. 

Follow this link to see inside a church, and click on the different features to learn more about them: https://request.org.uk/restart/2014/12/30/inside-a-church/

You may also want to watch these videos to see inside a real church:

Tour of a church part 1 

Tour of a church part 2

Next, label the picture of the inside of the church with the correct feature: features of a church


Start by looking at the flashcards: Flashcards

Phase 3 graphemes Phase 5 graphemes

Watch Geraldine Giraffe learning ‘au’: Geraldine Giraffe learns ‘au’

Can you read the following words?

Paul, haul, maul, launch, haunt

Now see if you can write them using the new ‘au’ spelling pattern.

If your child struggles with phonics, focus today on ‘qu’. Here is the song: Jolly Phonics ‘q’ song

Can you find pictures of things that have ‘qu’ in them or think of words that start with ‘qu’? This is quite tricky! Practise writing the letter ‘q’ using pens or chalks.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Garcia x