Thursday’s maths

We will start with morning maths.

If you look at the Lesson plan you will be able to see what I will go over today. I would prefer you to watch the explanation through teams but you might not be able to.

The lesson is going to continue our week’s topic of statistics. Today we are looking at something called the mean. A lot of your parents may know this better as the average. To work out an average you add up all of the numbers and then divide that total by how many things you added up. You might now look back at the morning maths as this is what you did for the last four questions – I know it was sneaky of me!!!!!!!!

If you get stuck you could watch this video to help you –

We will then look at the PowerPoint slide to go over an example.

I now want you having a go at working out some mean answers. Try some of these sheets until you are happy with them: Support sheet, Homework sheet  or Extension sheet.

If you want further practise then you could try Questions from reasoning papers about the mean.

Remember you can join this lesson betwen 9:00 – 10:00