Friday’s work

The end of the week. The days seem to go very quickly. If you need me to go over anything from Thursday’s lesson let me know.

To finish our journalstic unit we are going to complete a reading comprehension using a diary text.

There are three levels you can choose: one star, two star or three stars. You can choose.

Wartime diary

For maths we are going to complete our weekly Arithmetic test. The answers are at the end of the paper. It would be great if you could let me know how you get on. There is no morning maths to complete today. I will go over any of the questions with you when you have finished. Either ask on Teams or send me a message on classroom.

At 12:00 I will be reading the class novel.

In the afternoon we will be working on RE. Watch the video of the parable of the two builders. I would then like you to write the story out and tell me what is the meaning behind it.