Friday 22nd January

Happy Friday everyone,

I hope you are all ready to learn.

Today for maths I would like you to warm your brains up with a little bit of a boogie!

5 x table dance

Today we are continuing to look at 3D shapes. Today we are seeing how many of them we can find around our houses and gardens.   Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Friday PowerPoint

Here is the chart.  Remember, you can always draw your own and save printer ink.

Shape Hunt Sheet

For your English today we are going to be starting to write our reports about rainforests.  We will finish them on Monday.  If we were in school, we would look at the PowerPoint and talk about it.  Make our plans and then do about 20 minutes writing.  After that, we would stop and edit our work to make sure we have capital letters, full stops and have checked our spelling to see if we have made any mistakes when spelling words we know.

Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Friday PowerPoint

Here is the template if you would like to use it.

Rainforest Report Template

Please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on, I can record your score and you can get your house point and sticker when we are all back together again.

Here are your new spellings for next week.

Blue Group spellings week 3

Green Group spellings week 3

Yellow Group spellings week 3


For our computing today we are continuing with coding.  Please log on to the website below.

Log in

You will need activity code Y654. We are now on activity 3 so watch the short video and have a go.  Some of you are absolutely amazing at coding.

For our RE today I would like you to think about who influences you. This is quite a big idea. Someone who influences people can change their ideas.  Have a read about Greta Thunberg, she has influenced millions of people and the governments of countries about climate change.

Greta Thunberg

Have a think and talk to someone at home about the people who influence you.  How do they influence you?  Do people always have a good influence on you? How could you influence others?

Have a lovely weekend.

Make sure you get plenty of rest and have plenty of fun.

Love from Mrs Pope x