Thursday 21st January

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all ok and bright and ready to learn today. Lets start the day with a little maths warm up.

10 times table Super Movers

For maths today, we are continuing with 3D shapes.  Today we are sorting them into a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram looks like this.

Have a look at the PowerPoint and it will explain all…I hope!

PowerPoint for Thursday

Here is the sheet that goes with the PowerPoint.

Venn diagram

We are going to write a report about rainforests.  We have spent all week finding out some amazing facts about them.  So for your first challenge today, I would like you to list all the facts you know about rainforests.  Think about:

  • Where they are found?
  • What the weather is like?
  • What are the layers and what is it like in each of the layers?
  • What animals and insects live there?
  • What food grows there?
  • why they are so important?

You could do this as a list with bullet points or you could do this as a spider diagram, whichever why suits you.

Now I’d like you to think about what you don’t know.  Can you write down 3 questions  Here are mine.  Yours may be different but you can share mine if you like.

  • How much rain falls in the rainforest?
  • Which animals are endangered?
  • What is deforestation?

Using books or a ‘safe search’ on the internet (where you write ‘for kids‘ so you get the right type of information)  Find out the answers to your questions and write them down.  I have included a sheet for this but only use it if you want to, you certainly don’t need to print it out.

English spider diagram

Tomorrow we are going to write our report using these notes.

We enjoyed listening to these rainforest sounds as we worked in school yesterday, you may too.


Have a little brain break! You deserve it.

Maddie Space and You- Rockets

Please can you practise your spellings ready for tomorrow’s test.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon so here is a video for you to have a go at if it is too rainy or your grown ups are too busy to take you outside for a walk or a bike ride at the moment.

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on.

Love from Mrs Pope x