Tuesday 19th January

Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your work yesterday.

For your maths today you will need a copy of the 3D shape mat that you used yesterday.

3D shape mat  Here is it again, just in case.

You will also need your 3D shapes that you found or made yesterday.

The first thing I would like you to do is warm up your Maths brains.  Do you remember the 3 words I wanted you to know yesterday?

Vertices, face, edge.

They are really important words when we are talking about 3D shapes.  Pick up one of your shapes, can you count the number of faces it has?  The number of vertices? the number of edges?

Which of your shapes have the most vertices? Which has the fewest?

Have a look at this PowerPoint.  In it you will need to count faces, vertices and edges and compare them.

Here is the PowerPoint.

3D shape Tuesday


For you maths today, Id like you to cut out these cards.  You will need to match the picture to the clue.  Remember to keep your shapes nearby so that you can count vertices, edges and faces.

Matching cards

Here is a little tour of a rainforest.  Use the hand or the arrows to move the camera around the jungle, explore what is beneath your feet and above your head.

For your English today we are returning to the rainforest.  you may want to print the sheet out first if you can.  Page 1 is the report, page 2 is the grid of report features for you to cut up and use.

Rainforest report

Here is your PowerPoint. Today we are finding the features of a report.  A feature is something that a writer uses in that type of writing – so a title or fact boxes.  It is important we know what the features of a report are so that we can use them when we write our own reports.  These are like our success criteria.

Tuesday PowerPoint


Please can you practise your spellings.  Here is some handwriting paper for you to practise them on if you wish.  Focus on getting the letters the correct height and shape.  Use the lines to help you.  Shorter letters like a,c,e,s,w,o are kept between the blue lines.  Tall letters like b,d,h,t,l reach up to the top read line and descenders such as g, y, j, p touch the lower read line.

Handwriting paper

Relax and enjoy this story.

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy

This afternoon is our Art and PSHE afternoon.

For art, I’m going to set you a challenge!

Watch this this story.

I want you to imagine you are in the rainforest.  Can you draw a pencil picture of the rainforest but…and here’s the challenge…can you do it without taking your pencil off the page at all!

Watch this video.


For your PSHE I would like you to have a discussion with an adult, when they aren’t working. I would like you to talk about what you are responsible for.  Perhaps keeping your bedroom tidy, feeding a pet, tidying your toys up after you have played with them.  Then I’d like you to find out from the grown up what they are responsible for. Who has more responsibility and why?  Could you be responsible for something extra tomorrow – sorting the washing or tidying the sitting room?

Have a lovely day everyone,

Let me know how you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope.