Tuesday 19th January


LO: To plan my own story

I have seen some story maps from Monday’s lesson. Well done! I would like you to check you have included the issues they faced- They were living in a tent (no privacy), Lina had been living like this in the camp for two years,  no toilet in the tent, had to wash clothes in the stream, queue up for water for a long time, couldn’t go to school. Also, in the beginning of the story they both had to leave their homes in Afghanistan and walk all the way (425km) to get to Pakistan which is a huge thing for a family to do have to do. Hopefully, focusing on these issues will help you to plan your own story today. Please go through the powerpoint slides to find out what to do.

English lesson 2

Reading comprehension:

Follow the link to lesson 2 of the Anthony Horowitz chapter ‘A career in Computer games’ Anthony Horowitz


Practise your spellings today either by using rainbow writing or pyramid writing or combine both!