Home learning Tuesday 19th January

Hello, everyone. Here are our activities for Tuesday. Remember to keep practising your spellings every day!

Wake Up, Shake UpPirate


Starter: Count in 5s up to 50 and back. 100 square

Today we are going to learn about 3D shapes. What do you remember about 3D shapes? Can you name any? Remember that 3D shapes are not flat! Watch the short video and have a go at the activity: 3D shapes

See if you can find anything around your house that is a sphere, cuboid, cube, pyramid, cone or cylinder.

Can you make a 3D shape using any materials you have at home? This could involve construction equipment, such as Lego or craft supplies such as sticks or straws. Be creative!

What have you made? How many faces are there? What shape are the faces?

You may enjoy watching this video to remind yourself what ‘faces’ are: 3D shape song


What does it mean to have a ‘balanced diet’. What have you had today that is healthy? Why should we eat ‘5 a day’? What does this mean? Think again about the different food groups and design a healthy lunch. It is up to you whether you want to plan a healthy packed lunch or a hot dinner. You may even plan to eat this meal after you have planned it! Draw a picture of your lunch or take a photo.

Do you know what the Tudors used to eat? Have a read and chat after a grown up reads this information: Tudor food Would you like to have lived in Tudor times?!


Starter: Recap ‘ew’. Use your wordbuilder to sound out ‘new’, ‘few’ and ‘dew’. Join in with ‘ew’ words on the video. Press pause to see if you can read each of the sentences. ew video

Introduction: Can you remember what ‘alliteration’ means? You may enjoy this song that explains it: what is alliteration? (more aimed at parents to explain what alliteration is, but fun!)

Can you find any alliteration in any of your books at home? What sound is being repeated?

Using your first name, make up a short alliterative sentence that makes some sort of sense! (e.g. Mandy made a muffin.) Then try using the names of friends or family members too. 

Extension task: If you are confident with this, try thinking about which of your words are adjectives and which are nouns. Children will find this quite tricky.


In our art lesson today, we are going to explore using chalk instead of pencil. This may be tricky if you do not have any chalk, and you may need to do this activity on a different day if you need to acquire some! Draw the outline of your Tudor house again (like last week) using regular pencil. This time, when you draw the beams, try using chalk for them. Do not worry if the chalk you use is not black!! It is fine if you prefer to draw something else instead. But try to have a go at smudging the lines that you draw in chalk. What effect do you get?


Today, we are practising tricky words. These websites are quite good fun for practising some of these.


https://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ (easier words)


Have a look at the words ‘were’ ‘there’ and ‘what’. Have fun writing these in different colours or in different sizes until you start to become familiar with them.

I hope you all have a great day!

Mrs Garcia x