Maths for Monday

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. The planning for the week is on earlier posts and in classroom. Our topic for the week is volume and capacity. Some of the planning will be adapted as you might not have multi link at home.

Start by trying Monday Morning Maths

Remember I will introduce this lesson after the morning maths (about 9:10 am) on teams for those that want to watch.

Start off by looking at the Lesson 1 PowerPoint. This shows you some connections between units when you convert (we have done some of this before).

Use the decision tree to put things in the right order. You can write electronically on the sheet, print it out or just tell me which letter goes in which box.

Try the homework sheet. To complete this they give you a unit such as 300ml and you have to write it as ml and l. So this would be 300ml or 0.3l.

To practise further try the Converting-Between-Litres-and-Millilitres-Activity-Sheet. It does come with answers.

Remember – join teams at any time between 9:00 – 10:00 if you need any help.