Monday 18th January

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend and that you are ready for another week of home learning. Here’s your work for today.


Morning activity

Can you complete the colour by number below? If you don’t have a printer, you could always draw a picture and then add numbers in to make your own – or if you have a colouring book you could get your grown up to add numbers to it instead.

Elmer Colour By Number


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below, then watch the Mr Thorne video.

Monday 18th



This week we are going to be learning about length and height. Length means how long something is and height is how tall something is. Today we are going to be learning about length.

Today I would like you to find some building blocks that you can use to measure with, then I’d like you to use these to measure different items around your house. There is a sheet to fill out below if you would like to with all the different items that you could measure, or choose your own items to measure.

Which item that you measured is the longest? How many blocks long was it? And which item was the shortest?

Happy measuring!

Measuring sheet


Afternoon activity

Today the children in school have PE.

Have a go at the Change For Life activity below.

Or you could complete a Cosmic Kids yoga session.

Or if you like, you could always do both!



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy at the end of your learning today.


Have a brilliant day!

Miss Roberts x