English Thursday 21st January

Thursday 21st January 

Listen again to Chapter 4 or read the text. 

Chapter 4

What do you think about the space bat angel dragon?  What kind of character do you think he is? 

If you have an adult working with you, you could try a bit of role play.  I would like you to play the part of the space bat angel dragon and you adult to be a reporter from a local newspaper.

See if you can answer these questions in role as the space bat angel dragon.  Try to give really detailed answers using your imagination to add extra details.  

Where have you come from?  What was it like there? 

Why have you come down to Earth?

How do you feel about the way people have treated you? 

When will you go back?

When you have had a think and a practise, please write the answer to each question above.