Art 14.01.21

For Art today, I’d like you to take inspiration from Jeannie Baker and her wonderful picture book, Mirror. She used collage to create the pictures in her book. Last week, you sketched the picture on the front cover of Four Feet, Two Sandals. I did see some lovely efforts from you, thank you. So this week, I would like you to create a collage of the front cover. You can use any resources you have at home, e.g. old magazines, empty cereal boxes, coloured paper, bits of fabric, rice, pasta etc. You can use any scrap materials you have to hand but always ask for permission to use first!

Try and make those mountains high up on your page. The tents should be high up the page too and smaller with Lina and Feroza at the front. Try and include the smaller details as well, in order to make the collage come to life! I can’t wait to see them!

front cover of Four Feet Two Sandals