English Monday 18th January

English Plans for the whole week.  English Plans

English – Monday 18th January 

Today we are going to be thinking about writing a set of instructions for How to Trap the Iron Man.  

Look back at Chapter 2.  What did the farmers do to trap the Iron Man?   Can you make a simple bullet point list of the actions they took?

For example:

Dig deep hole.

Push earth to one side.

Cover hole with branches…

Now number all of your events.  Then think about a list of equipment the farmers needed.  

Now when you begin to write your instructions, instructions need some special features.  

First of all you need a clear title 

How to ….

Then you need an introduction, you could start this with a rhetorical question to the reader.  


Is the thought of the Iron Man keeping you awake at night?  Do you wish the Iron Man would stop terrifying the people of this country?

Then use a little encouragement or persuasion to get the reader to read and follow your instructions.


Then follow these instructions to help you trap the Iron Man forever.  

Then list the equipment in a bullet point list.

You Will Need: 

Now you are ready to write each step.  

Each step should be numbered, begin with a time connective – like Then, Next, After that, 

You could include adverbs to tell the reader how to do that step – carefully, quickly, quietly,

You need an imperative verb to tell the reader exactly what to do (These are sometimes called bossy verbs)

For example,

  1. Next, carefully cover the hole with branches (any type will do).  Scatter them in all directions, so that they form a lid over the pit and make the hole less obvious.  

Here you can see the time connective, adverb and  imperative verb.

Use this checklist to see if you have included all the features of instructions.  

Here is an example of a set of instructions with the features explained if that helps.

A more simple example Text Annotated
