English 13th January

We are going to continue our work on diary writing. This is part of our overall unit on journalistic writing. Remember that our overall aim is to produce a radio broadcast or a video.

On Monday we looked at the features of a diary. On Tuesday we wrote part of a diary after watching a video.

Today we are going to start writing our own diary entries. To help with this there is a Diary Writing Powerpoint.

I want the children to start writing entries based on the last 10 months. This will be saying how their day to day lives have changed due to Covid. They need to include how they feel. They can make it very personal by focussing on certain aspects such as: how school is different, not seeing friends, how Christmas was different, not being able to play sports, not performing in front of others musically, not seeing all of their relations etc.

I expect this to take the rest of the week. Today they can be doing the planning. Thinks about what they are going to write. On Thursday they can write it up and then on Friday they can edit it. To help with this they will need to look at the diary writing checklist.

Depending on how the children get on some of these timings may change.