Wednesday 13th January

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a good week so far. Here is what we will be doing today.


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to complete the counting sheet below. Count the vehicles and write how many there are in the circle. Once you’ve finished you can always colour it in! If you don’t have a printer, you could just count them off the screen and then write the number on a piece of paper.

Vehicle Counting Sheet


Letters and Sounds

There is no new sound to learn today – but watch the PowerPoint and complete the activities.

Wednesday 13th January



We are going to carry on with subtraction today. Have a look at the sheet below, you will need to count the amount of animals on the sheet, then take away how many it says, the easiest way to do this is by crossing off the number that you need to take away. Then count up how many you are left with and write the answer in the circle at the end.

Subtraction from 10


Afternoon activity

We are going to do a little bit more work about Noah’s Ark today. I would like you to have a little look through your recycling as we are going to do some junk modelling. Can you use items around your house to make your own boat? Once you have made it, test whether it floats or sinks – hopefully it floats! Then, can you see if your boat can hold any passengers? If you have any at home, you can see if it can carry animals like in Noah’s Ark? Or, if you have some dolls or Duplo / Lego people, you could see if the boat will carry those instead like a lifeboat! Have fun.



Snuggle up and have a listen to this audiobook.


I hope you enjoy your day!

Miss Roberts x