English – Tuesday 12th January

Tuesday 12th January 

Have another read of the Chapter 1 or watch the BBC video clip again.  

Now look back at your picture from yesterday.  

Today I would like you to write a detailed description of the Iron Man.   You must now turn your ideas into full sentences.  Plan each sentence out loud first.  Maybe tell an adult what you are going to write.  Does it sound ok?  Can you improve any words?  When you are happy it sounds good, write that sentence then remember your full stop.  No look back at your picture and repeat each step until you have a detailed paragraph describing the Iron Man.  Please make sure each sentence follows on from the last – do not write it as a list.  

To make your writing even better try to start your sentences in different ways.  You could use fronted adverbials – this is where you might describe where on the body something is – 

On his torso, 

On the side of his head, 

At the end of his arms, 

Or you could extend your sentences…

He had long, shiny arms which stretched almost down to the floor. 

Or even use both!

On the front of his face, he had two large, round eyes which shone like headlamps

The key to a good piece of writing is a variety of sentences.  Some long sentences, some short sentences, some simple words, some exciting words and so on.  

Aim to write about half a page.   Please note the Iron Man should have capital letters each time as it is used as his name in the book.