Monday 11th January

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. My weekend has just been ruined by Leeds losing to Crawley. If you are wondering who Crawley are you can see why it has spoiled my Sunday!!!!!!

Anyway – the week ahead.

On the other pages I have put a timetable for the week. This is to show when I will be teaching certain lessons through Teams if any of the children want to join me.

I have put the English planning and said where we are heading if anyone wants to move ahead. For maths I have said the planning is mainly on classroom so the children can move at their own speed during the week. To start with they should try to complete one of the sheets.

As you can see from the timetable I will be reading the class novel at 12:00 if the children want to listen to it.

In the afternoon the children in school have access to the chromebooks so will use the opportunity to try some art or some French. The children at home will be able to do this at anytime during the week so might use the opportunity to try other things on a computer such as scratch.

History is timetabled for Thursday but if any of the children want to have a look earlier it is available already in classroom.

If you have any questions then please ask

I will try to reply as soon as possible but please bear in mind I am in school with some of the children as well as teaching ‘live’ for those that want to join in so there may be a delay. If it is a question that the office could answer then please get in touch with them to start with.

Thank you.

Mr. Morris

(Crawley were very good!!!!!!!)