Monday 11th January, 2021

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Today it is English, Maths and French.


Lots of you are now ready to write your final paragraph. Read the one below about Chris Bonington.

It all started for Chris Bonington when he read W.H. Murray’s book about mountains. Then his heart was set on a dream to be a great mountaineer. Not only has he succeeded but his courage, determination and leadership have made him one of the greatest mountaineers ever to live. Would you have the courage to succeed like this remarkable man has done?

Now write your final paragraph.

After you have finished your biography, and checked it through carefully, you might want to draw the person you are writing about.


Today we are going to look again at adding two four digit numbers before we start our work on subtraction. Try the worksheets below.


Y4-Block-2-Answers 4-Add-two-4-digit-numbers-more-than-one-exchange

Or you could try this one- especially the challenge questions!



Learn how to talk about yourself in French by looking at the French topic section on the BBC Bitesize website. You will be able to impress Mr. Langford when we all return to school!