Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to relax a little.  Here is your work for today.  We will begin with maths.

Monday PowerPoint

Monday sheet


In our English work, we are continuing to look at instructions.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.

Monday English PowerPoint


For your reading today I would like you have a look at one of these comprehensions. I find this fascinating.  The creatures that live in the deepest part of the oceans are absolutely amazing. Choose the comprehension that is best for you, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Oceans Comprehension 1

Oceans Comprehension 2

Oceans Comprehension 3

Those creatures of the deep that we do know about, are unlike anything you will have seen before!!  If you have time, when you have finished the comprehension, you could have a little look at this short video.

Animals of the Deep

We share books everyday in school so here is a story to share today.

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Can you now practise your spellings, you can find them on Friday’s post.  You could try pyramid writing them in bright colours if you like.

This afternoon is our topic afternoon.  We are beginning a new topic about all about farming through history.

Just like in science, when we begin a new topic, we make a spider diagram to show what we know already.  So, tell me what you know about farming.

I’d like you to think about how farming began.  Farming began during the stone age when people who hunted and gathered their food began to spend time in one spot and keep cows, sheep, goats, pigs and dogs.  They began planting crops rather than collecting them.

Have a look at this picture. Play a game of eye-spy, what do you see?

Stoneage farming

If you wish to, you could cut out the pictures of foods that stone age people gathered, hid them around your house or garden and pretend to he a stone age gatherer, collecting your food.

Hunter gatherer foods

Here is a website that tells you a little about the stone age.

I hope you all have a lovely day, let me know how you get on and if you need anything.

Love from Mrs Pope x