Maths Home Learning 11.1.21


Today we are looking at reading the time on an anologue clock. I have put together two PP to just go over some of the basics and some examples and then attached some worksheets.

Time- the basics                                              Telling the time examples

I’ve also attached a clock face which we have in the classroom if that helps.

The sheets are based on 3 levels.

Please pick a level you feel is appropriate for your child. You don’t need to do all of the sheets but the good thing about learning to tell the time is that this is a topic that the children can continuously learn at home. If they have a watch, encourage them to wear it, keep asking the children the time at home. If you are going for a walk etc, tell them what time you want to leave and ask them to tell you when that is and if they ask you what the time is, get them to tell you instead.