Home learning for 11.1.21

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Here are our activities for Monday. See ‘English’ below for details of new spellings for this week. I do put a full day’s work on my posts but I totally understand how challenging it is to home school and to do your own job too. There is no pressure to complete all the activities.

Wake Up, Shake UpPizza Dough Boogie


Today we will again practise adding up amounts of money involving 1ps, 2ps, 5ps, 10ps, 20ps and 50ps.

Starter: Can you play ‘guess the coin’ with an adult or older sibling? The adult would need to give clues such as ‘I am a copper coin’, ‘I have 7 sides’, ‘I am silver’, ‘I am the smallest sized coin’ etc and you need to guess what coin they are describing.

Yellows: Use this sheet to practise using 1ps or 2ps to make totals: paying-for-ice-cream-activity-sheet-_ver_2 Please don’t worry about doing all the sheets! The first one is enough.

Greens: A number line or 100 square may help you to add the amounts up carefully on the shopping sheet. Write a number sentence for each one so you know exactly what you are adding: shopping_calculations_y1

If printing is a problem, please feel free to do this practically using items from around the house. Try to write the number sentences down though as this will help you understand the process of combining items to make a total.

online 100 square (click ‘play game’)

online number line

Blues: This is tricky. Feel free to do the sheets set for the greens if you think this is too challenging: who has the most?

Reading Skills

Have a go at the activities on Gruffalo games

The ‘menu matcher’ is very good for practising your rhyming skills.


Set yourself up with some new spellings. Do not worry too much about which spelling group your child was in. The majority of children work on the pink sheets (list 3). You are likely to know if your child needs words from either of the other two lists. If your child is particularly confident with spellings, use list 4!

  1. Lower ability children (who normally have yellow sheets in class): bin, bug, fib, lid
  2. For chn who need shorter words (normally these children have green sheets in class): day, way, say, pay, have
  3. Most children will need to work on these words (they normally have pink sheets in class):
    play, stay, clay, pray, said, little
  4. Most confident/able (who always/sometimes have purple sheets in class): player, staying, praying, crayon, Monday, little

Here is the grid for writing the spellings in: Look Say Cover grid

English lesson:

Starter: What do we already know about Julia Donaldson herself? How do we know this?

Watch the short video and complete the activity on question marks: question marks

Do you remember when we looked at the sorts of words that start questions? Many of these begin with ‘wh’. Imagine if you met Julia Donaldson and could ask her anything that you don’t already know, what would you ask? Can you think of five questions that you could ask Julia Donaldson and write each one down carefully? Make sure you start with a capital letter and finish with a question mark.

Finish by watching this short interview. Do any of your questions get answered in this interview? What new information have you learnt about Julia Donaldson?

Julia Donaldson interview


Practise typing and become more familiar with the computer keyboard in this game: https://media.abcya.com/games/keyboarding_practice/html/index.html


What do we mean by a ‘special place’? Do you have a special place? It may be somewhere you can go for peace and quiet, or somewhere that feels safe, snug and cosy. Maybe it’s a place that makes you feel happy and calm. Some people visit places of worship for all of these reasons. A church is a place of worship and is special for many people, including Christians.

Have a look at the different pictures of places of worship and discuss them. What do you notice about each one? How do they make you feel? Are there any features of the buildings that look special or different to a normal building? Are there any similarities between the buildings? If so, what similarities have you found? If you print off the pictures please be aware that this will use a lot of ink! It is probably preferable to look at them on the screen. religious-buildings-display-photos


Start by going through the flashcards. User: pps1, password: apple Flashcards

Today we will learn ‘ue’. Watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine the Giraffe looking for ‘ue’ words. Read the words as they appear on the screen: ue video

Now have a go at writing some of the (shorter) words as dictated by an adult. See if you can sound them out without looking at the word.

Children who find phonics challenging would have been working on recapping the letter ‘v’ in phonics today. What can you find in your house that starts with a ‘v’. Practise saying this sound correctly and writing it in different ways (e.g. with chalk, in sand, making it with dry pasta etc!)

Have a super day everyone. Keep in touch and please let me know if you need further support.

Mrs Garcia x