Home learning for Friday 8th January

Hi everyone. I hope you’ve all managed to keep warm on what has been an especially chilly day. Here are the activities for Friday.

Wake Up Shake UpDig It


Starter: Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. You may find looking at this helps as your child does this. Click on ‘play game’: Paint the Squares

Start by recapping the different coins that we know. Talk about the value of the coins, their colour and their size. Put the coins in order according to value, starting with 1p. Watch the clip about Little Juan: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018bykp

Yellows and greens: Find different ways to make 10p. How many different ways can you find using 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins? Draw around the coins to show the different combinations, or alternatively use groups of real coins! We know that ten 1p pieces make 10p, but how else can we do it? What mixture of 1ps and 2ps could we use, for example? If this is too tricky, work on finding all different ways to make 6p.

Blues: Find all different ways to make 20p. If you are confident, have a go at finding all possibilities for 50p. Remember, we are adding only so do not get into complicated ways that involve subtracting or change!

Spelling test: Test yourself using the spellings you have been practising this week. If you have your spelling folder at home, feel free to write in your score! I will ‘give out’ new spellings on the post for Monday (which will be published on Sunday).


We will be talking about different ways to stay healthy, including looking at physical health and mental well-being too. Have a chat about what being ‘healthy’ means. What sorts of things can you think of that are important for staying healthy? Did you think of the things mentioned in this video? Maybe you thought of some ideas that were not mentioned! staying healthy


Before Christmas, we were doing activities on the computer involving clicking and dragging. Now we are going to start looking at the letters on the computer keyboard. Have a good look at the computer or laptop keyboard and look at how the letters are arranged. Have a go at the game below, clicking on the correct letter each time. Follow this link: https://media.abcya.com/games/typing_rocket/html/index.html

If you only have an iPad, I’m hoping this game will work! https://www.typinggames.zone/letter-trucks


Our history topic for this term is the Tudors. We are going to start by looking at Tudor buildings which are quite distinctive. Display the following on your computer screen or do your own googling for ‘Tudor houses’: Tudor buildings

What do you notice about these buildings? How are the houses different from the house you live in? What is similar or the same about each of these buildings? Can you write down at least three things that are very different when comparing your own house to a Tudor house? Also, note down at least three things that the Tudor buildings have in common? (black and white, patterned windows, they are quite tall etc.)

Some of these buildings are 500 years old. Sometimes you may still see Tudor buildings in some towns or villages. Have you ever seen any Tudor buildings? You may have seen some in Shrewsbury or in Ludlow before. Maybe you can google some of these on the internet to find pictures of them. Do you think they have changed over time?

We will not be going into any further detail about Tudors in school today, other than to say that this period in history happened a long time ago and life was very different back then. Some of these differences can be seen on this picture which you may enjoy colouring. What colours would you use for the houses?! tudors colouring

We always finish the week with choosing time so please enjoy a lovely playtime at home.

Stay warm everyone and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

Thinking of you all,

Mrs Garcia x