
This week we have been looking at negative numbers. I have attached questions about negative numbers that have come up in SATs questions in the past. There are three different levels.

Everybody should be able to have a go at the first, some at the second but the third is VERY hard. Good luck.

Negative Numbers – Level 4 – Questions

Negative Numbers – Level 4 – Answers and Notes

Negative Numbers – Level 5 – Questions

Negative Numbers – Level 5 – Answers and Notes

Numbers – Level 6 – Questions

Negative Numbers – Level 6 – Answers and Notes

Usually on a Friday we complete an Arithmetic Paper. The children can have a go at this. The answers are at the back. They should have 30 minutes for this. They do NOT have to do this if they have completed the negative number work.

They will have access to me through teams if there are any of the questions thay struggle with or they can send me a classroom message.

There is no morning maths for them today.