The School Day

Some parents have asked about suggested timings for subjects and an outline of the day.

Please note timings will be different at home as you are working 1:1. In a usual lesson, we would introduce the session with lots of discussions/questions for 15/20 minutes then children would complete their task for about 20/25 minutes. At the end of a lesson, we would review our learning and check understanding.  So actually the children would only be writing for 20/25 minutes of an hour long lesson so don’t feel you need to get them to sit and write for the whole hour.

Our normal day in school is structured as follows:

9 – 10 – Maths

10 – 10.30 – Spellings/Handwriting

10.30 – 10.50 – Breaktime

10.50 – 11.50 – English

11.50 – 12.25 – Reading Comprehension

12.30 – 1.30 – Lunch

1.30 – Foundation Subjects- Science/History/RE/Art/PE etc

2.45 – 3 – Read the Class book

We would normally have an assembly and lots of hand-washing in there too! I hope this helps.