
Our topic is changing materials. Part of today is going to be very practical. Firstly, I would like you looking at the Knowledge organiser. This will be useful for the next set of lessons so if it can be downloaded for reference that will be good.

The Lesson Plan Properties of Materials is the sheet I would have used. You can look at this for help.

The first thing that is going to happen is that the children in class are going to put their hands in feely bags with different metrials in. You can watch this on teams if you wish.

Then use the Differentiated Material Properties and Definitions Activity Sheet to say the correct definition to the correct material. These are differentiated so choose the best one for you.

Look at the PowerPoint – Lesson Presentation Properties of Materials.

I will then want you to try to test some materials. I know you might not have the suggested materials at home so these can be adapted. Don’t worry if you can’t do all of this. Use the Differentiated Testing Properties Activity Sheet. This has instructions on it. After completing this try the quiz.

As a final piece try Characteristics of Material Worksheet.

Throughout this you can be asking for help through teams or classroom.