Thursday 7th January

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and raring to go today.  I was so strange not to see you all in school yesterday.

Here is our weekly timetable so you know what subjects will be taught on what days.  Please remember that the timings are for a whole class and a teacher that talks far too much, I would never expect children to write for an hour.  20 minutes writing or focused on maths is perfect. 

Make sure you have lots of breaks and time to play and relax.  We are doing this in school too.

Most importantly, do what you can and don’t worry about what can’t be done.  Please don’t feel you need to stick rigidly to every lesson every day. We know how hard home schooling is and how hard you are working.  If you need anything at all, just ask.

Weekly Timetable

For maths today I would like you to practise counting in 2s,3s,5s and 10s again, get your brains all warmed up and ready to go.

There is a 100 square on the PowerPoint, but here is the link if you need to print it out again.

100 square

Here is your PowerPoint for today.  We are looking at they symbols for greater than, less than and equals to.  There are several pages to look at and they get increasingly more tricky, you don’t need to work through each page, choose the one or two that are most suitable for you.

Thursday maths PowerPoint

Here are your maths sheets.  Sheet 2 is really mean, you have been warned!!

Maths sheet 1

Maths sheet 2

In English we are going to be beginning to look at instructions.   Have a look at the PowerPoint below.

Instructions PowerPoint

Please can you find some time to read a bit of your reading book.

Have a little relax and watch this…

This afternoon is our Science afternoon.

We are beginning our new topic.  It is all about animals and their habitats.

The first thing I would like you to do is to write down what you know about animals and the habitats that they live in.  You can do it as a spider diagram or as a list, it is up to you.

Have a look at this, this is your topic overview and knowledge organiser  Look particularly at the vocabulary section.  Can you use some of these words in a sentence?


Now have a think about this PowerPoint.

Animal Babies Lesson Thursday

Here are the sheets to go with the lesson PowerPoint.

Animals and Their Young Matching Cards Images

Animals and Their Young Matching Cards

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on and if there is anything you need.

Big hugs to you all,

Love from Mrs Pope x