Timetable for the day

A few people were asking about suggested times for things and an outline of the day.

Please note things may be a lot quicker at home as you are working 1:1 and you don’t have to queue up to wash your hands any more!!!   In a usual lesson we would normally introduce the session with lots of discussions questions for 15/20 minutes or so then the children would complete their task for about 20 minutes.  We will then go over our learning at the end and check understanding.  So actually the children will only be writing for about 20 minutes of an hour lesson so don’t feel you need to get them to sit and write for the whole hour.

Please use the other materials available to you such as the new CBBC Primary Bitesize Programs on TV, The bitesize website,  Let’s Go Live with Maddie and GregCosmic Kids Yoga, Draw with Rob to fill any gaps. Of course please also play outside or get out for a walk when you can.

A typical structure of our day is

Maths 9-10am

Break 10:00-10:20am

Spellings 10:20 – 10:40 – please just practise in books.

English 11:00 -12:00

Reading comprehension 12:00-12:30

12:30 – 1:30pm Lunch

Science/ History/ Computing/ PE 1:30- 2:30pm

2:30pm Story (Reading aloud to class – I’m looking into a way to do this over a teams meeting with those at home too)

3:00pm We usually watch Newsround or something similar if we have time at the end of the day.

I hope this is helpful to guide your day.  Please just do the best you can.  Please message us if you have any problems and we’ll do our best to help.