Key Worker Care Update

Shortly we will be sending a text out to all our Key Worker families.

If you have had a text from us, please send your child/ren into school wearing their uniform as usual. School dinners will be provided on site, but you are also welcome to send in a packed lunch if you would prefer.

The school  will be open at 8.40 as usual and the school day will begin at 9.00. The children may be collected between 3.05 and 3.20.

The PE days for each bubble will be as follows:

Room 4  / Reception – Monday

Room 5 / Year 1 – Thursday

Room 3 / Year 2 – Tuesday

Room 2 / Year 3 – Wednesday

Room 6 / Year 4 – Friday

Room 8 / Year 5 – Friday

Room 7 / Year 6 – Wednesday

Before and after school provision will run as normal.

Due to the new lockdown, we expect parents to fully abide by social distancing rules and to wear a mask when dropping off and picking up children. Although the school doors open at 8.40, please remember that this is to give you enough time to drop children off and socially distance with other parents. Please do not all congregate outside classrooms while you wait to drop off / pick up your children: it is extremely important that we all act carefully and sensibly at this time to keep our community as safe as possible.