Wednesday 6th January, 2021

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts. I can’t wait to see you all again.

On Wednesday it is Maths, English and Art.


Today, we are going to be revisiting factors. Look at the presentation below to remind yourself.


Now have a go at the worksheet below.



Some of you might also like to challenge yourself to complete the multiplication jigsaw.



This week we are going to begin to write a biography. The purpose of a biography is to give an account of someone’s life. Take a look at the biography about Roald Dahl.

Roald Dahl

Today, please can you research an author of your choice. Research the key events in their life in time order.


Later on in the term we are going to be looking at Pablo Picasso, who did about thirty portraits of himself.

Today, I would like you to draw yourself. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Please email your work to me. My email address is: