Home Learning. Please bare with us !

Hello Room 2,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa treated you with some lovely presents.

This all seems very strange to be in lockdown again but we will try and make this as smooth as possible. We will be trying to stick to a fairly similar routine of what we would have been doing if we were in the classroom. So there will be some Maths, English, some reading and an afternoon activity. Obviously, some lessons will need to be changed or tweaked so everyone can access them so please bare with us as we try and sort everything. I think until we are feeling a little more confident with all this technology, this week’s lessons may be more of a recap or a stand alone lesson. Hopefully, by next week we can start some new units of work and get things going again as best as we can. Thank you x


Starting a new unit of maths, telling the time! Time is such an important life skill and something that you can easily practise at home.

You many need a multiplication square to help you. Print it off and keep it as you may need it for other lessons.

multiplication square

Follow the PP below with audio on as I will go through a couple of examples.

Measurements of time

Below are some sheets you can have a go at, they are labelled Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze is the easiest and Gold is the hardest. Ask a parent to go through the answers with you.

calculating time durations


calculating time durations Answers


SPAG time! Below is a PowerPoint using the articles a or an. I have done a little voice over recording on some of the slides to help guide you through it so make sure you play the slide show.

An or A?

Activity sheet to complete

Activity Sheet I Can with an An!

Let’s see what you have learnt.

An or A Mini Test

Reading Comprehension

Last term, we had a go at writing non-fiction texts (seed dispersal). We learnt that when reading non-fiction, you don’t necessarily need to start at the beginning and read through to the end like you would a book. However, when you do use non-fiction texts it is important to use the features given to you to help locate information quickly e.g. use a contents page, glossary for any words you are unsure of etc. This reading comprehension is all about you reading the table headings first in order for you to retrieve the information. When you read the questions see if you can spot key bits in the question first before you look back through the text.

For example:

When were the three bridges built? The highlighted parts are the key bits of the information. When implies a date of some sort, three bridges means you will need three answers and built is the heading you need to look for in the table to find the answer.

Please have a go at the reading comprehension below. If you are confident with reading then have a go yourself. If you find reading a challenge, get an adult or an older brother and sister to read the comprehension and the questions to you but you have a go at answering yourself. By reading with an adult it helps both you and your adult know which parts you struggled on and they can then help you or discuss it with you so you can understand it better.


If you were all here, you would be having Crossbar but as exercise is important follow the video below for some great dancing moves that will get your heart pumping!

Born to Move