Home learning for Wed 6th January

Happy New Year to you all. I hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas break. Here are the activities for Wednesday. I will outline the activities in order that we would be completing them at school, though you are free to do them in any order. A little reminder that my email address is: Garcia.H@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk. Feel free to email me examples of the children’s work along with any queries or questions.


We did not do the test for the words given out for the last week of the Autumn term. The intention was to do the test this coming Friday! Please keep practising these words. Hopefully you still have your sheet with these on. If you do not, below is a reminder of the words. The colours refer to the sheet colour they have in school. The copy they bring home is white but the children hopefully remember what colour they had! Yellows and greens tend to be that colour each week. Most children use the pink but if they are especially confident one week then they have a lilac sheet. If in doubt, choose the words that you think are most appropriate for your child.

Yellow spelling group: pen, den, rug, rat
Green spelling group: kick, tick, neck, peck
Pink spelling group: trick, speck, click, thick, shock

If you were on lilac coloured spellings, then you may have had some different words. Apologies but these sheets are at school and I am writing this post from home. Hopefully you still have your sheets. If not, work on the pink words. For some of those words, you can add ‘ing’ or ‘er’ to extend the word.

Here is a blank ‘look, say, cover’ sheet for you to use: Look Say Cover grid

This may also be an excellent time to purchase ‘Squeebles’ if you haven’t already. This is a spelling app (though they do other apps too) that makes learning spellings much more fun! https://keystagefun.co.uk/literacy-apps/squeebles-spelling-test/

Wake Up, Shake Up

This one is popular! Pizza Dough Boogie


Starter: Count to 20 and back. If confident, see if you can count beyond this or count in 2s (up to 20), 5s (up to 50) or in 10s (up to 100).

Today we are learning about money. Start by looking at real 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. What colour are they? How big is each of the different coins? 

Now think about what each coin is worth. How many 1ps are the same as a 2p? How many are the same as a 5p? What about a 10p? For now, only think about pennies!

How much money is in each of the piggy banks? how-much-money-is-in-my-piggy-bank-1p-activity-sheet

If you are yellow group for maths, please complete sheet 1 (click on above link!). Please note that children are very welcome to try any of the differentiated activities depending on their confidence!

Green group, please complete sheet 1 (click on above link). You may also want to have a go at the second sheet, either using the attached pennies and sticking them in or by drawing around real 1p coins.

Blues: Here is your sheet different ways to pay

You may also want to have practical fun using 1p coins to pay for different items in a pretend shop, or have a go at this online game. I would advise selecting the ‘one coin’ option and use ‘1p up to 10p’, unless your child is particularly confident: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money


Starter: can you sing the alphabet?

For the first few weeks of this new term, we will be looking in more detail at the author Julia Donaldson and some of the different books that she has written. Start by thinking what we already know about Julia Donaldson (we looked at lots of her books in Autumn term as a lead-up to this topic). How many books can you name? Are they all stories? What sort of style of writing does she have? (Her books always rhyme, they usually contain animals and some fantasy.)

If you have any Julia Donaldson books at home then dig these out! If you do not have m/any Julia Donaldson books at home, then here are some online versions of some of her stories:

The Gruffalo

Room on the Broom

The Scarecrow’s Wedding

The Smeds and the Smoos

The Ugly Five

Look through each of your Julia Donaldson books/watch the online versions and see which ones:

have rhyme

have animals in

have some sort of fantastical character or setting

have illustrations by Axel Sheffler

Can you find any other things that may be similar in the books you have? Is there a problem in the stories? Does it get fixed? How?

You could just have a detailed discussion for this lesson or you may choose to record your findings in a basic table. Here’s one I’ve done for you if you would like to use it: books by Julia Donaldson compare


This term we will be learning about different animals and their needs. How many animals can you name?! What do humans have in common with certain animals? What is the same about all living animals, including humans? (We all need shelter and food; we all need water and sleep.)

Have a think about Joel’s question below:

Watch the video and listen to the description of each of the animal groups. Thinking about your favourite animal, what group would it belong to? Where would it live/where would you see it? Can you draw your favourite animal and write the answers to these questions next to or below your picture? The ‘animal groups key’ sheet may also help you decide what group your favourite animal belongs to.

animal groups video

Animal Groups Key


The username for Phonics Play is ‘pps1’ and the password is ‘apple’

Starter: time challenge

Depending on your confidence, opt for either ‘Phase 2 and 3’, ‘Phase 3’ or ‘Phase 3 and 5a’. Most children should be working on ‘Phase 3 and 5a’ ideally.

Actvity 1:

Before the Christmas holiday, we learnt ‘ie’ as in ‘pie’. Can you use ‘ie’ to complete the words and see if you can find each one in the wordsearch? One of the words is an ‘odd one out’; can you work out which one and why?! ie words and wordsearch

Activity 2:

Today we will learn ‘ir’. Enjoy watching Geraldine Giraffe learns ‘ir’. 

Can you find any items around your house that are spelt using the ‘ir’ grapheme?

Some children work in a small group going back over Phase 2 graphemes. If you know that your child struggles in phonics – these are the children who have yellow spelling sheets in class (CVC words such as ‘dog’) or who are working on recognising individual letter shapes – then please enjoy this song for ‘j’: Jolly Phonics song for ‘j’ What can you find around your house starting with ‘j’? Can you think of any children in the class whose names start with ‘J’? Practise writing this letter using pens, chalks or anything you like!

For now I would suggest that you keep any of the sheets your child completes or any pieces of paper/exercise books that you use. If the work tends to be practical or through discussion, feel free to keep some notes of how it went. This will all be very useful feedback for me! Please also remember to keep reading. This website has free e-books to keep you going: Oxford Owl

Please keep in touch and let me know if you need any further help. I fully understand how hard this situation is for you all. Hopefully it won’t be too long until we’re all back together again.

Please say a big hello to your child from me!

Thinking of you all,

Mrs Garcia x