Home learning 4.12.20

Here are the activities for those unable to attend school due to self-isolation:


Today in maths we looked at number bonds to 10. The class were introduced to the game ‘Hit the Button’. Hopefully, as we build confidence with our number bonds we will get pretty quick at answering these questions! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

I modelled how we can work out number bonds using cubes. If there are 10 cubes, how many more are needed to make 10 altogether? Zero! If there are 9 cubes, how many more are needed to get to 10? 1. And so on!

Have a go at finding all the different possible ways of making 10 using equipment (such as buttons, beads etc) to help you: number bonds to 10


Today we were ordering the steps in instructions for brushing our teeth. Can you cut these pictures out and put them in order, starting with the first thing you would do? brushing teeth sequencing

Now stick (would need to minimise before printing!) or draw them in the correct place on this sheet and find the matching sentence by reading carefully: teeth brushing sentences

We talked about how numbers would be really helpful and how most instructions use numbers to start each step.


We recalled our discussions about Noah’s Ark and the Creation story, and also recapped what it means to be a good friend. How can you be a good friend of the Earth? How can you look after the Earth? According to Christians, God is the creator of the Earth (Creation story) and wants people to promise to look after it (the rainbow in Noah’s Ark is a reminder to Christians that God wanted a fresh start after sending the flood). Can you make a poster showing ideas for how we can help to care for our world? Lots of children today spoke about the need for plants and flowers which help insects and birds. Somebody raised the point of putting litter in the bin as it makes the planet look untidy and can be harmful to animals. We also talked again about not cutting down trees as they are needed to help us breathe and provide habitats for animals.


This afternoon we talked about toys from a very long time ago (Victorian) and how they are very different to the toys of today. We discussed the difference in materials used, the growth of technology, safety rules and a change in attitudes. Do some research to find examples of toys from a long time ago. This is a helpful child-friendly website: https://www.mylearning.org/stories/toys-through-time/169 There is a section on ‘old and new toys’ where you can compare old and modern toys. Have a think about some of the questions on this site. What are some of the differences? Why do you think these changes have been made?


We recapped ‘ay’ by playing ‘Obb and Bob’ on phonicsplay. Enjoy playing some Phase 5a games (choose ‘ay’ or ‘oy’) to become more confident with these graphemes. Username is PPS1 and the password is apple. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5

Have a super day. x