Home learning 3.12.20

Here are the activities we did in class today for anyone self-isolating:


In our English today, we focused on the job of the ‘What You Need’ box that we see in instructions. Think about the task of brushing your teeth. What would you need in order to get ready for doing this? Use the sheet to write a list of everything you need. Then do the same for ‘How to Wash Your Hands’. What is missing from the top line? (subheading of ‘What You Need’) Make sure you sound out carefully. Can you answer the question at the bottom of the sheet? what you need instructions


In Maths, we answered word problems that involved either addition or subtraction. We discussed key words that help us to know whether we are adding or taking away. The words ‘more’ and ‘altogether’ are clues that we are adding. The words ‘left’ and ‘away’ are clues that we are subtracting. Can you work out the answers to the questions on the sheet and write the matching number sentence? You may need equipment such as counters (buttons, beads etc) to help you. You may choose to do just one of these sheets or both, if you would like extra! Word problems 1 Word problems 2


We have had fun using the computer mouse to click and drag items to make a house on this website: https://www.abcya.com/games/build_a_house Remember to hold down the mouse button in order to drag!


First, we recapped events in the Christian creation story (you only need to watch up to 2:14) Christian creation story

Can you recall what happened on the first day? The second? Third, etc.?

Then we compared the story to that in the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. Have a look at this PowerPoint and discuss how Sikh people think the world started. What is similar to the Christian creation story and what is different? (no order in terms of days is one of the main differences). t2-re-589-sikh-creation-stories-powerpoint-english_ver_2


Today we learnt ‘oy’ and practised writing words containing it. Try writing these without looking:

boy, toy, joy, enjoy, oyster

Enjoy your day. x