
With the weather getting cooler, at the moment we are taking our coats on and off several times a day. Lots of children have go better at doing this independently as well as being able to do their zips up by themselves.

We would really appreciate it if you could help your child with this crucial skill at home if they are still struggling. We have some clever techniques we use in school to help with both putting coats on and doing zips up which might help you at home.

Putting coats on:

If children are struggling with this, they can use the coat-flip technique, have a look at the video below to see how to do this.


Doing zips up:

Zips are also tricky, but lots of Room 4 children are now becoming really independent and confident with this. We have explained that their zip is like a rocket…

Put the rocket in it’s station (zip at the bottom of the coat)

Put the astronaut in the rocket (other side of the coat in the zip)

Make sure they’re in nice and tight (make sure that the other side of the coat has clicked right into the bottom)

Zoom the rocket up to space! (pull the zip up to the top)


Both these techniques are working really well in school, so maybe challenge your children to see if they can do them at home too.


Miss Roberts