
Good evening.

Tomorrow (Wednesday 2nd) our day looks like this:

Morning maths: The children have 10 questions to answer that recap previous knowledge.

Cricket: Tyler can not come in tomorrow but the children will still have a cricket session. Unfortunately for them it will be with me instead!!!!    I am looking forward to this as I love the PE sessions.

Maths: For maths we will look at word problems involving converting between measurements. We may use this mixed measurement word problems  sheet.  Solve problems involving length (converting measures) may be a sheet others use.

English: The children will be looking at possessive apostrophes and then at re – covering the features of argument texts. To help with this we will be using a PowerPoint.

In the afternoon we have art with Mrs Green helping us with clay work and printing Christmas cards. We will be using acrylic paint and it can be hard to get off clothes. The children have been reminded to bring in an old shirt or apron to cover their clothes.

Wednesday is looking like a good day.

Please keep looking at this page as I am hoping to give you some news about our cooking session for the end of term during the next couple of days.

Mr Morris