Home learning 2.12.20

Here are the activities that we did today in class for those who are self-isolating.


This morning we used cubes to work out the difference between two numbers, just as in the PowerPoint and sheet yesterday. This time, however, we used this same approach with cubes to find the missing numbers in the number sentences: Missing Number Muddle


In our reading session we listened to the story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and discussed the rhyme we heard in the book. We also talked about what had happened in the story. Here is an online version of the story: The Snail and the Whale


In English we wrote some class rules. Can you think of about 6 different class or school rules and write them down carefully? Here are some to get you started:

Listen carefully.

Sit still.

Line up.

Your rules should be short and to the point, with as few words as possible. Remember to start each one with a capital letter and to add a full stop at the end.


Our science work today involved us applying the vocabulary we have learnt over the term to describe different items. Can you use these words in your sentences to match the pictures?

absorbent, waterproof, opaque, transparent, translucent, flexible

materials science vocab writing


In our phonics session we looked at ‘ay’ and wrote short words containing it such as may, play, spray, stray, Saturday. Can you write these without looking? Remember that ‘ay’ tends to go at the end of words.

Have a super day. x