
Good evening here is what this Tuesday looks like.

For maths we are converting between units. In this case it will be between kg and g and between lites and ml. We will be using two different sheets to work on.

Converting between grams and kilograms activity sheet

Converting between Litres and millilitres activity sheet

To test how the children have got on try Measures Millionaire PowerPoint

Our English and RE are linked. In English we have been looking at writing balanced arguments. We are going to be using these skills in our RE work.

Share the statement: ‘The world doesn’t need a messiah — it just needs people to love each other.’ Give pupils an opportunity to weigh up different responses to the quotation, Write a balanced argument. Remind the children some of the things we have looked at in English lessons when writing a balanced argument.  

The children will have some time listening to the class novel.

In the afternoon we have Crossbar for PE.

Mr Morris