Home learning 1.12.20

Here are the activities that we did today (Monday) at school for any children who are absent due to self-isolating.


We started today by counting up to 20, in ones, and back. We then used the following PowerPoint to look at ‘finding the difference’ using cubes: find_the_difference_between_2_numbers

This is the sheet that we did, following the PowerPoint: difference_between


We recapped what we know about instructions and talked about how a person may command a dog to do something! These commands are normally very simple and get the point across in only one or two words (e.g. ‘Sit.’ or ‘Roll over’.) I explained that the one word that gives the action command is the verb. Have a look at these commands for a dog and see if you can circle the word that is the verb: instructions imperative verb commanding a dog


Monday afternoon is PE with Crossbar. Have a go at this yoga session: https://cosmickids.com/video/the-wizard-of-oz/

Have a lovely day and see you soon. x