Reminders and updates.

The children have been given their spellings for next week. They should bring their sheet home but for those that don’t it is here.

As it is a Friday there is a quiz of the week.

Quiz of the week questions  Quiz of the week answers

Today the children completed their weekly arithmetic paper. It would be fantastic if you could go over any of these questions that your child found difficult. Obviously we do this in school but any extra practise at home would help the children. Arithmetic Paper 4 also has the answers at the end.

The Golden Achiever for this week was Josh. He has been trying really hard with his morning maths work and is now able to find easier ways to tackle questions. For instance he now does 5 x 423 x 2 within seconds.

Our Pupil of the Week was Seth. Seth got nominated by three different children. They voted for him because he had been kind and helped a variety of children with different things.

Next week we are continuing with our work on balanced arguments in our English work. For maths we will be looking at measurement of length and mass. For both of these I will put up some more links during the weekend.

A reminder that if your child is self isolating work will be put in this Room 7 page. If you then have any questions about it you will be able to contact me at: