
Thank you to all of you who have signed up, looked at and added your own observations for Tapestry. We love Tapestry in Room 4 because it’s great for communication between home and school and we also love receiving observations from you. Whenever a child has an observation from home, we always encourage them to tell the rest of the class about the photos or videos posted, or just the text that has been written. This has a number of benefits; it promotes confidence with talking in front of a group of children, it develops their speech and language skills and it allows them to speak about their interests and home life.

Here are a few ideas for posting observations on Tapestry if you are ever stuck:

  • Baking or cooking. It’s great for children to be involved with helping with meal times, and you might even notice that they start asking interesting questions or have some brilliant observational comments about bruises on a banana or a wonky carrot!
  • Take photos of your children’s finished Lego models, dens that they’ve built or pictures they’ve drawn. This really gives the children an opportunity at school to explain how they have achieved something.
  • The great outdoors. Take photos of walks, bike rides, trips out or even just playing in the garden. The children love talking about what they have discovered when they are out and about.
  • Interesting comments. Sometimes children just come out with some really interesting questions or observations (Where is Australia? Why do dogs have tails?). You could just post these on Tapestry without a picture – it’s a great insight into your child’s brain!
  • Home schooling. If you ever do any learning at home (reading, counting, recalling something they have learnt at school that week etc.) it’s always brilliant to know about.

There is no pressure to post a huge amount of things, or very much at all, these are just a few ideas to get you started if you are unsure. Parental involvement is just as valuable to us in Room 4 as it is for you to see what we have been doing at school.

Happy posting!

Miss Roberts