Updates and reminders

Today is our quiz of the week. This is a recap for the children and an opportunity for you to see some of the things we have been doing.

Quiz      Answers

On a Friday the children complete an arithmetic test. Today’s test is ArithmeticPaper3 this is complete with answers. The children complete these as they are very similar to the type of questions they will face in the SATs. It is great to see that their scores are all moving up.

The children have been given their new spellings today. They should bring a sheet home with them on but if they don’t here is a link: Spellings.

For maths next week we will be working on permiter and area of shapes. I will put some links up later to help with this.

On Monday we have the chromebooks for the day so the after school club will be running on Monday for anyone from Room 7 who wishes to attend.

The new science video is available for the children to work on the activities from Mary Webb. You can access this by clicking on the link below.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.





My book question: As a child my favourite author was JT Edson. I want to know what sort of books he wrote and where was he born. Good luck. To qualify answers must be sent in by 9:00am on Sunday