Room 2 Home Learning


Today we learned about right angles.  We looked at squares and rectangles and discussed the corners.  We then used a small square of paper to go around the class and see of we could find any right angles.  We found loads – can you find any right angles around your house?  Then have a go at this sheet.  Mark on each of the right angles by making a small square into the right angle like this, then write the number of right angles in the middle.



This week we have continued our focus on writing complete sentences with capital letters and full stops in the correct places.  Today we looked at the character of Nancy from The Nothing to See Here Hotel.  We wrote a description of Nancy using the picture below.

We then had a go at this draw along with Steven Lenton, the illustrator of our class book, The Nothing to see Here Hotel.



This afternoon we continued our dance sessions.  Try this video to get you moving at home.

Born To Move

Please practise your spellings and read your book.