Year 1 home learning 17th November

Here are details of activites for any children having to self-isolate at the moment.

Today the children have completed a reading assessment. We will make sure that your child completes their test upon returning to school.


Due to our test, we have not done maths today. However, if you would like to do some maths work then practise subtracting small numbers from 10. For example: 10-1=?,   10-2=? and so on. Using equipment such as buttons will help with this.


Today we were looking at plurals again, using the suffix ‘s’. Have a go at this activity. Can you spot which words need to be plurals? Activity Sheet Adding ‘s’


We have been using our sounding out skills to read captions and sentences. Draw the pictures to match these captions. Just choose one of the pages on this document to print unless you are super keen! Phase 4 captions


This afternoon we were investigating absorbency. Can you remember what it means if a material is absorbent? Work through the PowerPoint. Try to investigate absorbency using some materials you have around the house. Which materials are best for soaking up water? Test this out by spilling a small amount of water and seeing which material mops it up the best! Which material was the least absorbent? absorbency

Wishing you all well,

Mrs Garcia x