
The end of another week. The children have worked hard all week. On a Friday we complete an arithmetic test and it is great to see how scores are improving. The one they completed today is HERE so that you can see the sort of questions they have to tackle. It would be great if you could spend anytime going over some of these questions with them. The answers are included.

The children have been given their new spellings for next week. Spellings. They have the opportunities during the week to practise these but any extra time they spend on them at home will be beneficial.

The Golden Achiever today was Sophia M for fantastic maths work and our Pupil of the Week was Lilly B for getting on with things.

A reminder that there is NO Chromebook club on Monday as it is Parents Evening.

I will put next week’s timetable up a bit later.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
