Tuesday 10th November

Good Morning.

Today, in maths, we are continuing our work on multiplication.  We are looking at arrays again. Today I would like you to have a look at the arrays on the sheet and write both multiplication sums for it…just like this:

You should notice something about the answer to both number sentences.

Tuesday worksheet

In English, we are doing some research into how the Great fire of London began.  Use books and the internet to find out:

What happened?

Where it happened?

Who did it happen to?

Why did it happen?

When did it take place?

Remember, you are only thinking about how the fire began, not what happened next.  Please make sure that all the searches you do online have ‘for kids’ after your key words.

Please read your reading book and practise your spellings.  I will post our RE for this afternoon later.

Have a great morning.

Love from Mrs Pope x