
The end of another busy week. Today the children complated an arithmetic test – this is something that they will do for the next few Friday’s. Arithmetic Paper is attached so that you can see the questions that they tackled. The questions in the SATs follow a very similar pattern and are set out in exactly the same way. If you can help your child with any of these questions it will greatly help them.

Our Golden Achiever today was Elizabeth who has worked superbly with her coordinate work this week. This was after she had practised at home. We had a joint Pupil of the Week: Alice and Maisie for their efforts at break and lunchtimes.

A couple of reminders about next week:

On Monday we have the chromebooks and so the club will be on. Tuesday is our PE day so kits need to be worn to school. Wednesday we have cricket coaching so PE kits are needed again. Also on Wednesday (as it is Remembrance Day) the children will have some normaility of Year 6 by taking the lead role in the service that will take place in the school with the classes linked by technology. Thursday and Friday are currently unchanged.

For maths we are going to be looking at multiplying and dividing by decimals. To help with this here are some links:

In these videos they say the decimal place moves – what actually happens is that the numbers move; it just appears that the decimal place moves. I will say this to the children.

I hope you all have a super weekend.
