Year 1 spellings

Hi everyone,

Your child will be coming home tonight with spellings to learn for a test next Friday. Before we give out spellings, we always do a ‘pre-test’ which means that the children are asked to write the words without knowing what’s coming up. From this, I work out who needs what words so rest assured that your child will be bringing spellings which are suitable for their ability. If they scored highly on the pre-test, they will be bringing home trickier spellings. If they struggled with the pre-test, they will either have those words to practise or easier words. I have explained briefly to the children how to practise the words and have told them that they will have a duplicate copy of the words waiting for them to practise in school on Monday morning. Please do not worry too much about how to practise the words with them if you are unsure; this will all become very clear in the next few weeks. It would be very useful, however, if you could read through the words with your child over the weekend so they are clear about what they say and the sounds involved.

Thank you all for your support. Apologies to anyone who had made a parents’ evening appointment on Monday or Tuesday of this week. As you are aware, I was ill and off school so was unable to make the phone calls. These will be rescheduled and we will let you know new dates and times as soon as possible.

Have a super weekend,

Mrs Garcia x