Friday 6th November

Good morning everyone at home.  We are all missing you.

Today we will be starting the day with our Morning Maths.  You have about 20 minutes, how far can you get? Remember to use your fingers to help you work out the multiplication sums.

Ultimate times table challenge

Today we are continuing to match arrays, multiplication and repeated addition. This means that 2 x 5= is the same as 5 + 5=  is the same as   

it also the same as 5×2 and

Have a look at this sheet and work through it.

Friday maths

Today it is also Spelling Test day so please can you do your spelling test in your Spelling Book.   Your new spellings for next week will be posted later.



In RE today we are looking at belonging.  Can you think about what groups you belong to.  Make a list.  Then can you think about how it feels to belong to a group.  How does belonging make us feel supported and cared for.   We are going to make a poster in school using plenty of bright colours to write down the emotions we feel when we are part of a caring group.

Please can you read your reading book.

I hope you are having a lovely day and you have a good weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x